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I have finished my first creepypasta short story, I call It the Night Slasher, He's just this man from my dreams.
Hiiiieee i'm new here and i just finished my most recent creepypasta story so i thought i'd drop him here!!! :3
If anyone is still active here and wants more creepypasta friends, my instagram is br4ssgoggles, and my discord is hayesteria !!!! please hit me up !!
Im not new to the fandom but I am to this wiki.
I hope we can be friends.
Can we share our own scary stories or creepypasta here?
Can we roleplay here?
[[Written by Cartoønish (That's me!!), user on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and YouTube]]
[[Art is also by Cartoønish (Me!!!)]]
Before I tell my story, let's get some ground set for us.
I'm a major nostalgia collector, ranging from old books to antique action figures to full-blown licensed games. I'm committed, to say the least, if my bank account has anything to say about it.
Now that we got that bit of information across, I'll tell you my story.
It was like any other typical day for me, browsing my collection for a game to play that would pass the time. After what felt like hours, I finally decided I'd boot up my old Gameboy Advance and a brand new, fresh-off-the-vintage-shop-shelf Pokémon Leaf Green cartridge. Fact of the matter was that I avoided Pokémon Red like the plague because of all the media around it.
And so I sat myself on my bed, got comfy, plugged my Gameboy in, and slid the cartridge in. That oh-so familiar jingle played through the console's old speaker, giving me a rush of nostalgia before I even pressed any buttons. Oh, how I missed a moment like this. I started a new save file, named my character, picked up my Squirtle, and set off on my nostalgia path.
Things were so normal. I swept through the gyms, caught some new friends, beat up my rival so many times I lost count, and before I knew it, I was on my way to Victory Road. Everything was going so well, not a problem in sight despite the age of the console I played on.
That is, until I noticed something. The faintest sound that played through the Gameboy's speakers. It sounded like a Pokémon cry, though I couldn't quite determine which one. The speaker played it in a way that indicated a sort of proximity, urging me to go back and search for the source. And, without anything better to do in all honesty, that's what I did. I turned around and began marching back the way I came, listening for any indicator that I was getting closer.
It was odd. I knew I hadn't touched a game like this in a while but something just felt... Off. I didn't think that there were meant to be audio cues in the overworld. Regardless of the miniscule thought, I kept on searching, following the sounds for what felt like ages before I was led to a dead end.
Well, now what? I couldn't just keep following. The game had barriers that kept me from straying out of bounds. But my curiosity was piqued.. I had to try, right? I tapped the directional pad a few times, bumping repeatedly into the barrier that kept me from progressing. I would've looked like a total moron if I were playing in front of some sort of Pokémon veteran.
Until, I seemed to actually break past the barrier, jittering around for a moment before my character landed past the initial road block, clipping into the sprites of the trees that blocked my way. Well, I guess now I could keep following. I navigated through the now buggy terrain, having to constantly overcompensate for the moments where my character would freeze in place and I would have to violently snap his directions in every which way just to wiggle him free again. Whatever worked, I suppose.
I followed the cries for what felt like hours, moving in a straight line with the sound no longer sounding closer nor farther away. I mentally cursed myself for being so curious, especially now that I was playing at the expense of the game's integrity to its source. I was practically lowering its value every second I kept moving, seeming to get more and more lost in the endless sea of identical tree sprites. I had to wonder how much longer I would take of this before I grew bored of the loophole I got myself stuck in.
I continued walking, progressively getting more and more weary with the endless cycle. Until.. The screen flashed, indicating a battle was beginning. It was especially strange in this case, what with there being no other trainer in sight, nor a patch of wild grass for a Pokémon to hide in. Maybe it was scripted? No, it couldn't be-
I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as the iconic battle music faded into the console's speakers, the arena opening up and revealing the culprit behind the command.
It was.. An average-looking NPC, in all honesty, though not one I was familiar with. It looked like a reskin of the rival. It has a head of messy black hair that was topped with a grey hat with a peculiar white decal on the front. A shadow was cast diagonally over their face, obscuring the majority of their features except for the wide, almost scared-looking eye that faced the camera. They also wore almost entirely black attire; A puffy, black jacket with sleeves that alternated between black and white, a shirt that matched their hat in the shade of grey, a pair of black shorts, and black sneakers with white soles and socks. The way they were posed made them look like they were startled, as if the battle had caught them off-guard. In all honesty, the appearance was a sort of breath of fresh air from all the battle-ready pawns that I'd gone up against up to this point.
Perhaps it was just some scrapped character whose event was cast out into the unreachable abyss of the forest, or some kind of secret laid out for the hackers and glitchers of the Pokémon community. Both were equally likely, in all honestly.
"AWAKE wants to battle!"
So their name was AWAKE? Odd name for a character.
The mystery trainer sent out their first, and seemingly only Pokémon- A level 97 Hypno with the nickname INSOMNIA. It was odd, considering abilities and such weren't implemented yet, so they had no reason to name it that other than some sort of fear or mystery factor.
To my surprise, my entire maxed team lost to that one lone Pokémon. They all dropped like flies, one by one. I had no way of stopping it. It seemed like this Hypno was faster than them all, flying in the face of all their stats as a whole, not that I paid any particular attention to those values whatsoever.
Peculiar, to say the least.
The battle soon faded back out, but I wasn't met with the typical white out screen. Instead, I was simply brought back to where the encounter started, in the middle of the trees. I attempted to move, but couldn't. I must've bugged the game out so badly that it was frozen. And so, I shut it off for the day. I figured, if my data was lost, I'd just start another game when I pick it back up and not do the same thing again.
Flash forward about a week.
Once again, I'm bored, practically none of my games sounding appealing to pass the time. Except for when I remembered the Pokémon Leaf Green I'd abandoned not too long ago.
Just like before, I grabbed my Advance, plugged it in, slipped the game in, and booted it up. I was expecting to be met with a wiped save, but I was surprised to see the option to continue. It was odd, considering I never saved during my playtime, but I decided not to dwell too long on it and selected the option anyway.
When the map loaded in, I was still in the out of bounds area from before. Except my character wasn't anywhere to be seen. Just the trainer I remembered battling before putting the game down.
Though, I was no longer frozen, as this new guy responded to me pressing the buttons just like the protagonist would. So, I decided I would just resume trying to get back in bounds, walking back in the direction I remembered coming from. The area seemed longer than before. I should've been back to the corner I broke through by now.
Then, a text box appeared.
Was this the character speaking? Was all of this intentional? Was this really just some kind of secret, or was it something else?
I dismissed the box, resuming my travels. The character seemed to be moving slower than before, not even responding to my multiple attempts to sprint. He became slower by the second, eventually refusing to move at all, just staring in the direction he used to be moving.
"I'M... TIRED..."
The box appeared again, the dialogue displaying the character's weary state. I almost felt bad for the poor guy now, regardless of whether or not this was an intended interaction. I just sat there for a few minutes, thinking about what to do. I couldn't move, so the only option was to open the menu. I was playing a different character, after all, so maybe something was different.
I checked the item bag. Nothing but a few Pokéballs. I checked the team- Just the Hypno from before, INSOMNIA. Out of curiosity, I tried to interact with it.
Another box.
I was confused, to say the least. That's it? No menu? Just that?
I dismissed the box again, returning to the menu to check the other categories. Nothing else out of the ordinary.
As I closed the menu, another text box came up.
"I'M TIRED..."
I dwelled on the box for a minute. Was I really even sure this was code anymore? This all seemed to real for me...
Left to do nothing. I couldn't move AWAKE. There was nothing to look at except for the endless forest I got myself lost in. I sat there for what felt like hours, just thinking to myself as I stared at the unmoving screen. What do I do? Just leave? I was starting to get attached to AWAKE now. He was oddly endearing, despite his circumstances.
Regardless, it was just a game. So, I opened the menu, saved, and attempted to back out of the game.
No response.
I tried to power off the console.
No response.
I was stuck.
Okay, that's fine. This is fine. I've got nothing better to do with my time today anyway. Well, maybe other than cleaning...
I decided maybe something would happen if I walked away for a bit, so I did. I set the console down, got up, and went off to carry out a few house errands. Laundry, dishes, lunch, whatever else.
After everything was said and done, I came back. To my mild surprise, the screen had changed. Not in any incredibly significant way, mind you. There was just another text box, and another sprite accompanied AWAKE's. It was a Hypno. INSOMNIA, maybe?
They faced each other, looking like they were in conversation.
The Pokémon cry I couldn't identify from earlier.
"P L E A S E . . ."
Another cry.
This was.. So depressing.
The text box faded on its own.
The area darkened, becoming a mess of monochromatic blue.
"I'M TIRED..."
These two characters seemed to be in a standoff now. No words exchanged, no cries to be heard. Just tension. Silent, uncomfortable tension.
The area darkened again, nearing on pitch black.
"L E T M E G O . . ."
And then the screen cut to black.
I stared, completely at a loss of words over what I had just witnessed. There was some sort of story I wasn't completely grasping.. And now I don't think I could go back and relive it. That was it. I saw it, and it ended.
I could feel the Gameboy start to heat up in my hands, an audible whirring accompanying the temperature. I quickly set it down on the nearest table, shaking my hands a bit to ease the pain they were starting to feel from holding the scorching piece of tech. It sparked on contact, earning a bit of a jump from me.
I guess that was it for the entire console. The whole story, every firsthand means of seeing it, destroyed.
I was left to live with what I saw, to ponder what I remembered of it and to try and piece it all together. Not that I'd be able to, I'm no theorist.
I took to forums to get anything I could about it, but all my sources came up with nothing. I was the only one with this story. The thoughts of it kept me up at night. I'd go days on end with no sleep just dwelling on the thing with nothing to show for my sacrifices. I had nothing to prove I'd seen it, no way of reliving it, and barely anything to work off of in the aftermath.
That was just it.
And now I have to live with that.
Did anybody else read Kirbious? its super scary!!
Whats your thoughts on it??
NES godzilla
Squidwards suicide
5 Votes in Poll
[[File:2023 01 11 0jk Kleki.png|thumb|296x296px]]
First of all if you don't know what a placenta is then you are to young to read the synopsis of this episode. My name is David and I don't think I'M old enough to watch this episode but here we go.
The episode was uploaded March 13th 2023 by the official chikn nuggit YouTube channel. I'm not describing the characters because if I did that you would be bored instead i'm gonna tell you about the episode.
Slushi(Blue fox) is getting a drink of water she sits down and Iscream ( The rabbit) comes and his pupils shrink and become more narrow and in a demonic voice he says .tsevrah doolb ym rof tcefrep si ehS. Yes i got none of that either. Iscream became a ghostly spirt and possessed slushi and told her to go kill cheezborger (A cat wearing a cheeseburger hat) and in a surprisingly gruesome scene slushi fully aware of what she is doing sheds a tear while killing Chee with a butcher knife. She drinks the blood left behind by chee's corpse and she begins to have sex with her corpse. Ok I have not seen every chikn nuggit video and even I know Iscream was never this screwed up. I mean he is a demon so it is possible. Slushi is then sitting in her room trembling and crying to herself " Why did I do that" and Iscream comes and with his tongue sticking out to the audience and laughs evilly.
In the second act slushi is seen sitting in the bed covered in blood. Chikn (Yellow dog) who is sitting next to a graveyard mourns chee's death and he digs another random grave and steals a dry placenta, I have no words. Then Iscream comes home to his girlfriend fwench fwy (Holy dragon) is confused of where he has been. He says he was with friends and fwench fwy asks " with who?" Iscream ( Who is just a sadistic fucker) is worried and says "With sody pop (Red panda) and chikn" Fwench fwy leaves the room. After that slushi is seen in bed asleep then chikns outside the house and yells at the top of his lungs "SSSSSLLLUUUUSSSHHHHIII!!!!!" AH FUCK MY EARS!!! He says that chee was killed and he will kill the fucker who did it with and evil glare in his eye. Slushi who is now nervous says that she hopes he finds the killer. Afterward chikn goes back to his house revealing a tiny baby calico cat he named Hammborger and he said I don't know where you came from but you must belong here.
And finally act 3, Chikn is looking for witnesses and nobody saw what slushi did. Meanwhile Slushi is trying to hide the evidence by cleaning the blood and Iscream decides slushi hasn't suffered enough and posseses her again and tries to lead her to kill sody when his mother isn't looking.
However chikn see's this and thinks these horrible things ,Placenta,Dementia, FUCK! He attacks slushi and she witnesses Iscream possessing and killing chikn, however when the police come to the scene fwench fwy comes and the episode ends.
Sigh after 4 days the chikn nuggit channel removed the episode. I have no idea what to say I wrote this because I needed to get this off my back.
David: Huh ok what the fuck was that
David: Hello
Iscream: ROAR!!!!!
[[File:Photo 2023-01-11 1.57.07 PM.png|thumb|A photo of Iscream]]
Iscream: HEH HEH HEH
I took a photo and ran out of my house immediately.
[[Category:Lost Episodes]]
So folks on the wiki might have noticed that yesterday I replaced several Slimebeast stories with different stories from another author. There are 2 reasons why I did this.
1: I got permission from that other author to post his stories on the wiki.
2: I knew that Slimebeast's stories had a different license than the 1 Fandom mainly uses, a non-commercial creative commons license instead of Fandom wikia's commercial creative commons license.
Therefore yesterday I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by removing Slimebeast's stories (since I thought he'd want them removed anyway) with stories someone gave me permission to post.
I now know that Fandom wikia does allow you to use different licenses. All these years and I've seriously never noticed the thing at the bottom of the page that says "Community content is CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noticed". Now that I know this, I and 1 other user of this wiki have re-uploaded the removed SlimeBeast stories.
I'm terribly sorry for doing this. I should have asked if doing this was actually necessary or not. I won't do this pasta switcheroo thing again.
Hope you all understand.
Hey y’all so I rewrote my story
Hope you enjoy
Hey y’all! Sooo. Hello hi my name is noah. I’ve been apart of the creepypasta fandom for 4 years. And uh yeah, so
Idk if anyone read my story with my oc “Leo Williams” if not here’s a link
So. I just read it again and it’s safe to say. It’s pretty bad. I’m most likely going to rewrite it. So yeah.
New York City Police Department File 332
Eduardo Luzardo’s Journal
Evidence File Bio: Eduardo Luzardo recounts an experience that occurred to him on March 29th, 2017 he filed a police report on April 17th, 2017 this is an ongoing case number 11789462
Hello I’m Eduardo Luzardo and I live in the small town of Hartly, Delaware I’ve been investigating a series of anonymous tips of people all around the country of supposedly creepy cryptic videotapes being sent to their houses
Many of these just are static
But some seem to be covers of children’s tv shows and movies
I’ve been sent many of these tapes and the things I’ve seen I could never see again
The videotapes are all sent by the same mailer “sine nomine” which is just anonymous in Latin.
It seemed odd to me that people were being sent these tapes randomly.
I have received over 300+ tapes some duplicates of the copies, some new mysterious versions, and some that I’ve never seen before
And still, they are all sent by the anonymous sender.
I’ve been trying to investigate if this anonymous is just one person or many or just people playing a joke on others
I couldn’t see how it would be a joke since the cryptic messages and videos on these tapes are horrific
Well, today I’m writing this journal because something unprecedented happened.
As I checked my mailbox early morning, I saw a tape, I thought it was just another tape I was set to receive soon but it wasn’t, it had my name in it with the sender “anonymous”
This tape looked different than the others, it was a cherry red VHS tape instead of black.
I went straight back home and put the tape in my VHS player
The video started and the video was an episode of Pocoyo. In all the tapes I’ve received none were Pocoyo nor was I expecting one. Pocoyo was one of my favorite kids' show and I wondered what anonymous had done to this one
That’s how I know this was directly sent to me.
The episode started normally with Pocoyo on the floor sitting playing with his toy train then running around as he introduces his friends.
The intro ended and the narrator began to speak but the voice sounded quiet to some sort of whispering, the voice also seemed different from the original narrator.
Pocoyo and his friend pato were reading some sort of book.
The book seemed normal and so did the episode.
But all of a sudden I got a knock on the door
I paused the episode and went to open the door
There was no one but a package wrapped in some sort of Christmas wrapping
I picked it up and opened it and it was the same book in the episode with a note stating “read it as you watch”
This startled me meaning someone was near, watching me
I wondered if whoever is “anonymous” was here
This is also the first time whoever sent the tapes communicates with their targets
And I was the first occurrence or so I thought.
I sat back and the episode had already continued
I didn’t find this weird since most of the cases, I've investigated most episodes had this occur to them.
I don’t know how he manages to do this since it’s not electronically connected to an antenna or any cloud systems since a VHS does not have that technology.
The episode continued and a text appeared on the screen
(Open page 1)
I opened the page and I was shocked it was a illustration of me sitting on my couch watching the episode.
I read the book
“ The investigator is in shock as he sees himself in the book”
“The investigator continues to read in shock as the book pictures his every move”
How? I say in my head how?
How could he do this?
How could the book do this?
I tried to go to the next page but it was blank.
A text appeared that said “go back to page 1”
I did so, I know stupid of me to continue but it’s my passion to find out who’s doing this and why?
I went back to the first page and the same things remained
Pocoyo flips the page and so do I
The page now has drawings of me and what I was doing
I didn’t know how this was possible I kept reading, he knew how I was feeling the page read
“Eduardo is scared “ Eduardo is a good man” “but Eduardo will be no more soon”
This shocked me, I had to keep going I had too but my safety is also my priority I got my phone and dialed 911 and sat it next to me just in case
I kept going the narrator kept reading the book and the book had the same Writing as mine
Hearing the narrator say my name was so frightening I was trembling, my bones were shaking and I felt like I wanted to pass out
Pocoyo flipped the page to the third page the last page in this book
Pato smiled seeming to like this page I read the page and I was shocked.
“ He tries to find out who I am”
“He tried to find out who we are”
“But he won’t because he will be trapped forever”
I didn’t know what he meant by trapped forever but I was startled for sure
The narrator voice then said
“You’ll never find me”
The episode ended
I sighed thankfully that the episode was over but the phenomenons that just occurred could not be explained
I took a deep breath but suddenly received a loud knock on the door
I opened it and it was a woman, around 5’5 brown hair and seemed Hispanic.
I didn’t think these two were connected until she spoke.
“ He’s here, he’s watching you and will continue to watch you, I saw him leave the package at your door, I know who he is, I saw the same episode too, I got the same book, he’s going to come for you, my name is Melinda Martinez here’s my contact now get out of here because he’s watching”
She ran away and I locked the door.
Immediately I was scared and ran to get my phone to call 911.
The tape began again and the narrator whispered “ I wouldn’t do that”
The tape then switched to a dark room and it was a video of Melinda tied up in a chair smiling evilly, I didn’t know how this was possible I just saw her at my door.
She sat there for 3 minutes I tried to shut off the tape but it wouldn’t stop. I unplugged my monitor but it continued. After 3 minutes a man with a mask appeared behind her
She kept smiling but I saw a tear fall slowly to the ground
The man tilts her head and slits her throat as she continues to smile
The tape ends
My monitor finally shuts off.
I couldn’t believe what I just saw I wanted to call 911 but I was paranoid if whoever was in the video was still here watching me. I called my friend Stephanie, who lived in New York, and told her what I saw. She didn’t believe what I said but she agreed I could move in with her in 2 weeks since I didn’t feel safe here anymore
I couldn’t sleep that night.
I stayed up trying to research if anyone else had seen this or trying to reach my contacts who had received tapes if they had gotten this but out of my 300 contacts only 3 responded, and out of those 3, they gotten similar tapes but with different kids shows
I also found that Melinda Martinez was on my contact list
I also found a link from a local article from Dallas Tx and that Melinda had been missing for 6 months
The picture of the girl in the article was the same girl that was at my door and in the video
I cried
I sobbed
It’s now April 14th and my friend Stephanie is here to pick me up to drive to New York
We’re planning to file a police report in a few days
This is Eduardo Luzardo Journal #301 and I’m out.
Eyeless jack
Jeff the killer
11 Votes in Poll
Hello all you stupid people! i stumbled upon this website, and decided to make a account. if you have any ideas for creepypastas then PLEASE tell me about it. i will still give all credit to you! PEACE OUT!
I'm doing research about him, already have 8 pages for different things about him, stuff connected, yada yada, rather not share so if they ARE real, they won't come after me if I catch their attention, which is something I don't want tbh
Pls help me with boredom
Hello! my name is double. It was recommended that I should join this wiki by a friend (he is an anonymous user, and stumbled upon this page a while back.)
Fun fact: I can speak greek and latin.
More info: I am a narrator and animator+voice impressionist who likes a good story. I am asexual gray + gay. I enjoy making puns so... expect alot of em.
Can you play with me