CreepyPasta Wikia

Move    by IfeelLikeSpider[]



The voice in my head screamed at the slow walkers in front of me. The insufferable beings seemed to be going slower than snails, talking about wherever, whoever, whatever! Those horrible slugs! And they have the nerve to act better than me, with their fancy shoes, their fancy phones, their fancy grades, their entire fancy existence! It makes me want to squeeze their guts out slowly, to pound their faces in with a hammer until they become nothing but blood, destroyed flesh, and bone. Just like me. Bring them back down to what makes us the same.

I might be overreacting, but I have stuff to do, places to be, and this traffic, these jaywalkers, everyone in this city, they make me sick to my stomach. They make me want to swallow nails, and pins, and razors, and tacks, and bleed from the inside. They make me wanna cut my arms over and over and over, until I’m nothing but red. I want to slit open my stomach and pull out my intestines, and cut them up and fry them.

I hate this planet, I hate this country, I hate this city, I hate this life. Alone, with nothing but the internet and this deadly anger to hold me together. It makes me want to kill.

The light changed. 

I press down on the gas pedal. 

I have stuff to do.

I have a body to dispose of.

The cars around me finally move.
