CreepyPasta Wikia


Word Count: 2765 Words

Notes: Time of Writing: 4 Hours 57 Minutes 12 Seconds

Time of Reading: Estimated 13 Minutes

Short Summary/First Draft: A man who goes to abandoned buildings and make sure they’re safe for destruction. Note: The Hawker, Urban Explorer

Creator: Maskboiperson (Created March 6th, 2024, 11:02 PM)

This is my first story so forgive me for any flaws. -Maskboiperson


The sun moved slowly across the sky, it was so slow you couldn’t see its movement. A boy and girl played outside as they waited for their bus. The girl was quiet, some called her a mystery. The boy pushed back his hair and as he did he saw the girl was gone, he was in a forest now, scared and alone he cried out for help. He turned around as he herd a sound and before he found out what happened or who was there a loud sound erupted his ears as if a World War Soldier was testing his Springfield M1903 rifle right next to him.

His body wished to stay still but the opposite happened as the man’s body rose out of bed in a cold sweat. He calmed down after realizing he was screaming at the nightmare he just had, the sounds still ringing throughout his ears. The man got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He had dark around his eyes due to his nightmares/terrors, he had long brown hair that was a few centimeters below his shoulders. His eyes were dark blue and tired, he’d noticed his skin was more pale than his normal caucasian skin tone.

He fixed himself up by brushing his hair, brushing his teeth, putting on new clothes, ect. He grabbed his neon green vest but as he looked at the calendar he saw it was October, a few weeks till Halloween. He took the time off cause he wanted to use his PTO/Paid Time Off, he looked at his vest as the name tag shined in his eyes. “Alex J. Miller” it read, he threw the vest to the wall and grabbed some items, he grabbed a flashlight, his phone, a bottle of Clomipramine, and packed them in his backpack.

Alexander loved exploring abandon buildings, he was somewhat of an urban explorer. A few construction workers had noticed him once and offered to pay him a few hundred dollars so he could get rid of animals or valuable materials so they could demolish the building, Steve was one of few workers who’s name he caught, Steve was one of the nicer ones who didn’t want to send him to jail. Most of the workers knew it was illegal but Steve knew Alex was just a harmless guy.

Alex left the house and trailed down the sidewalk. He remembered when the nightmares started, 3 years ago he’d developed a predominately nocturnal parasomnia called Exploding Head Syndrome due to stress from college or it was a gene mutation resulting in transient calcium channel dysfunction. This is what he had been told by the doctors. Collage ended a few months ago. He tried to remember the first night terror he had, something to due with a tall figure. He only remembered that the face could be seen due to the darkness, he knew that the man had a thin and lengthy body, at least 7ft/2.13m to 7.5ft/2.3m.

He herd that a few months ago that someone had uploaded something similar on YT but his brain felt fuzzy. After a few minutes he arrived at the abandoned building, there wasn’t much known about the building except it was built 100-ish years ago during 1908 to 1909. He walked in to the building and it first sight he thought the room was some sort of receptionist room to a bank or retirement home.

He put on his mask to avoid getting dust in his face. He looked around the room and didn’t find anything, sadly he would meet the same results for the next few rooms. He loved to find animals so he could help them or random objects just to keep as a memory or cause he wanted to. He went into a bedroom and found a chunk of what seemed to be hair, it wasn’t out of the ordinary but it was uncommon to find hair in places.

Alex went into another room but was meet with an empty room filled with lockers and small seats/benches. He went to the open doorway and saw that the room was an open bathhouse or maybe it was a pool room. He left the room in search of something better in what he could now label as a hotel. He stopped after awhile and sat down in one of the clean chairs he could find. He placed his backpack down in search of other items he’d left in there.

*Creak* *Crack* Alex paused as the old hotel spoke for its self and continued rummaging through his backpack. The only things that seemed useful at the moment were his camcorder (plus tapes) and an old iPhone he got when they first came out. He scrolled through a news webpage and didn’t find anything big except a mother of his somewhat long distance friend. He felt sorry for her, the funeral was said to be held the 18th of October, only a few days away.

As he walked around the hotel he recorded the dusty building. It reminded him of the apartment complex he stayed in during college before he graduated, it was strange to him that a few months ago he’d still be a student. His thoughts were instantly interrupted by a strange noise, he couldn’t tell if it was from the building, a small animal, or it was something else.

“Is someone there,” he asked nonchalantly. It wasn’t surprising to him that their would be other people in abandoned buildings.

He herd another sound this time, it was similar to someone breaking a glass bottle with a sledgehammer. Alex’s head turned towards the sound instantly, as soon as he saw nothing he decided to get out of the building just in case. He walked out the building with sweat on his face as he checked his watch, it read 11:37 PM. He ran home and decided to get some sleep, as he ran home he felt as if something or some person was spying on him.

Alex found himself in the middle of the street at midnight. He walked along the road not sure what he was doing or what was going on. He felt his legs turn into static and become tired, he looked up feeling that someone was in front of him. He saw a car driving towards him, he couldn’t react as the car came closer. Before the car could hit him he found himself in water, he tried to swim but water filled his body and then an earthquake filled his ears.

A week had passed since then, it went as quick as the nightmare. Later in the day he decided he’d go to another abandon building/place to distract himself. Alex drove a few miles away from his house to an abandoned mall he saw yesterday, it reminded him of the store within the mall he worked in except this was bigger and deserted. He parked his car at the back in the shade so no one would steal his car, he tried to open the back door but it didn’t budge.

He lifted his arm and punched the doorknob as hard as he could, he winced in pain but hit the doorknob forcing the old door open. After a few minutes of exploring he felt the same sensation of being watched but more intense. This feeling had been going on over the entire week, at work, at home, stores, and even at the funeral five days ago. He looked around himself and around the area to see if someone was in his line of sight.

“IS ANYONE THERE? THIS ISN’T FUNNY!” Alex yelled as he looked around.

Alex saw a blur of a tall figure running across the balcony of the second floor. He ran up the broken escalator almost falling but he got back up as his adrenaline amplified him. He ran towards the furniture store he saw the man or woman run towards. He slowed down as he looked into the store, he wondered if the man was the same one watching him or if it was a different man. He looked around and over the furniture but saw nothing.

He herd a crinkling sound and stopped in his tracks as he tried to leave. He looked down and noticed there was a piece of paper under his foot. He picked up the paper and read the following;

“You missed me! Follow your trails back home and go back to the abandoned hotel. We will make a deal and I’ll stop watching you, don’t think about trying to attack me or else you’ll be dead.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Your new friend~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Weasel”

Alex thought it would be suicide, it would be a horrible idea to go back to the old hotel. He knew that if he didn’t do what “Weasel” said to do he’d probably end up dead anyways. The Weasel has been stalking him for a week so he must have found a way to break in his house without notice. Alex felt strange as he looked at the paper as if it was written in blood, the writing was black but too much of a wet liquid texture to be ink.

As Alex walked out the mall and into his car he wondered if the person was a threat or if he was all talk. Maybe he killed Beth, she had a closed casket at the funeral. The only evidence her step daughter, Katherine, found was her mother had looked to be strangled. The police didn’t say how she died and that’s all everyone knew happened to Beth. Alex drove home trying to find out why this quay was after him.

People had been talking about a tall lanky figure on the internet, even on YT he remembered hearing how an old peer in college had been attacked or stalked. He thought about checking it but he didn’t want any more to do with this ‘Weasel’ character. He made it home and tried to sleep, just as he felt himself shifting from the world to a dream he herd a loud bang. He jumped up and slapped himself in the face, he promised himself that it wasn’t real and to try again.

He glanced at his window and saw the hotel a distance away by the river. He sighed because he knew that it wasn’t safe to sleep with this thing around him. He left his backpack but took a phone, a flashlight, and his bottle of Clomipramine. He also noticed the camcorder in his backpack was gone, maybe he left it at the lost mall, it didn’t seem important as of now. It only took him three to five minutes to run to the hotel.

He followed the noise inside. He noticed that the number 7 on the map of the building was circled with the same black liquid. Alex ran up all the stairs as the elevator was broken despite there still being electricity in the building. Alex felt out of breath as he reached the seventh floor, he started looking through different rooms. He opened another door but this time he had to turn on the light.

He was met with a rather clean room as if someone had cleaned it themselves or if he had somehow been transferred back in time to when the building just opened. He thought the thing was going to meet him at the hotel but he had checked a few other rooms that were empty as the last. He was going home, he knew that this was a prank since he was at the mall, just as he was about to leave he spotted a shirt under the bed.

He pulled and lifted the shirt, he looked at the grey sleeveless shirt and saw a huge tearing and splatters of some dark reddish liquid. Alex dropped the shirt in fear and turned to run but before he reacted the “Weasel” stood at the doorway witch was now closed and had the lock system on. He got a closer look at the thing had dark skin, he wore a mask so you couldn’t see his face but the rest of his body was covered in blood.

Alex couldn’t tell the gender of the person but it seamed to be a man. Weasel ran, tackled, and grabbed Alex by the neck, he wasn’t sure if it was human or not as it pinned him down. It reminded him of Cujo the way the thing attacked and acted. He struggled to move as oxygen left his body, Alex flashed back to a National Geographic show on how to stop a shark by punching its neck/gills.

He punched the monsters neck causing it to stagger and threw the thing off of his body into a nightstand, it broke on impact as Weasel’s weight slammed into it. Alex got to his knees and breathed heavily as he watched the animalistic demon get back up and screeched a horrid noise at him. He sounded like an animal who was just shot, Alex backed away scared.

“Stay b-back,” Alex stuttered in fear as his legs trembled. He feared what the monster would do next.

Weasel grabbed a Buck 119 hunting knife from it’s holster witch was apart of his boots. He rushed towards the defenseless man, Alex suffered one stab after another. He managed to grabbed the knife once it got close enough to his face. He broke the monster’s wrist and threw him on the bed, he grabbed the knife and attempted to stab the monster.

Weasel slit Alex’s face multiple times before he was overpowered, Alex smashed the animal into the wall. He grabbed a pillow and pressed onto the killer’s face, Weasel struggled as oxygen left his body. Alex noticed the knife laying beside both of them and grabbed it, he rapidly shoved the knife in the beast. It screamed like an animal with every rapid and deep stab wound, He made sure the knife went into its body as far as it could go.

After struggling with the masked killer for what seemed like hours it finally died. Alex removed the mask to reveal a woman’s face behind it, the woman had a burned face and a knife blade from her mouth to the ear. She was also missing an ear and her nose was broken possibly from the fight. Alex ran to the bathroom turning the light on to see his face. Alex’s yellow jacket was stained with blood causing it to appear orange.

His face was slit from mouth to past his cheek, he had slashed across body and he was bleeding from the head. Alex couldn’t help but smiling, he was happy to be alive but he had a weird craving feeling. It ended when he thought about the girls death, he looked at the mask he took. The mask he held had black thin marking outlining the eye sockets. The section around the mouth was chipped a little, you could almost see the wearers lips.

Alex put on the mask ignoring the pain he felt, he rubbed his hands from the sockets to the bottom of the mask leaving a tear like smear. He felt weak so he grabbed the knife from the body and left the building, he had new plans this time. As he left the building he saw a tall individual in a suit luring Alex to join him, He happily accepted. The last thing Alex saw was a sign that read “Southwest Eden Park, Est. 1807”.

On the day of Halloween, Barbra and her husband turned on their Tube TV to listen to the news before trick or treaters came to their door.

“A few days ago on the night of October 23rd, 2009 some construction workers reported a man missing. The man’s name was Alexander James Miller, he was last seen at the old hotel down by the river. When investigators arrived at the scene the only thing found of Alex was a flashlight with Alexander’s fingerprint.

The body of an unknown burned female victim was found stabbed to death, the girl was dark skinned and had blonde hair, she looked to be around 23 - 26 years of age. The police also found 3 dead high school seniors around the scene, their blood was used to write a message. The message said “The Hawker Stalks,” along with many pages with random symbols and words written in black liquid. More evidence will be brought up once discovered.”
